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Apex jump! 🤩

Definition: An attempt to legally shorten the distance travelled around the curve of the track by leaping over the track boundary and landing back in bounds. (WFTDA Glossary).

😎What’s the coolest moment? When the jammer makes an apex. Do you agree? 🎊
You can join us in September and learn even this!
FOLLOW the event so you don’t miss anything.🤞🏼

📸 Jan Hutter Sport Photography
#rollerderby #rollerderbygirls #rollerskating #rollerderbyprague #rollerderbylife #rollerderbybout #funfacts #wftda

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Save the date 🔜 August 1st 🫶🏼

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Na našem Instagramu pro Vás máme soutěž o dva lístky na film Love Lies Bleeding v našem oblíbeném útulném Edison Filmhub Praha .
🎟️ A co pro to můžete udělat? Koukněte na https://instagram.com/p/C9e901gMYWZ/.
🚨Vyhlášení soutěže proběhne v sobotu kolem poledne. Tak zkus svou šanci co nejdříve.
⬇️odkaz na událost ⬇️
My tam určitě budeme 😉.
We have a competition on our Instagram for two tickets to movie Love Lies Bleeding at our favourite cosy Edison Filmhub Prague.
🎟️ And what can you do for it? Check out https://instagram.com/p/C9e901gMYWZ/.
🚨The contest will be announced on Saturday around noon. So try your chance as soon as possible.
⬇️link to the event ⬇️
We will definitely be there 😉.
#film #lgbt #competition #giveaway #following #movienight #pcrd #rollerderby #edisonfilmhubpraha

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PCRD with <3 to Prague Pride

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🏳️‍🌈Pride month celebrations are are almost over and we are looking forward to the Prague one 🔜 Prague Pride .
🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼Our league is open to all, without prejudice.
So if you’re looking for a safe space to be in your free time, keep eyes on us.
🤫You don’t even blink and we’ll be open for training and recruitment.

#pridemonth #praguepride #lgbtcommunity #lgbtq🌈 #rollerderbycomunity #rollerderbylove #czechrollerderbyteam #pcrd #praguederby #pride #pride2024

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🎊Druhé kolo fotek, druhý zápas PCRD na Tripleheaderu ze soboty 25.května.
Fotky jako vždy úžasné, plné emocí, zachycené Jan Hutter Sport Photography. 📸
Děkujeme skvělým Roller Derby Regensburg. Těšíme se, až se opět setkáme na tracku!🛼
🎊Second round of photos, second PCRD game at the Tripleheader from Saturday, May 25.
Photos as always amazing, full of emotions, taken by Jan Hutter Sports Photography. 📸
Thanks to the great Roller Derby Regensburg. We look forward to seeing you on the track again!🛼

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Foto: Jan Hutter

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No ahoj! 🙃
🥁Je to tady.
První kolo fotek ze sobotního TRIPLEHEADER Vám přinášíme díky skvělému Jan Hutter Sport Photography. 📸
Moc děkujeme Copenhagen Roller Derby B za první hru, která byla dost vyrovnaná. 🛼
💯 Už teď můžeme prozradit, že fotek bude více. Juhůůů.
Well, hello! 🙃
🥁Here it is.
The first round of photos from Saturday's TRIPLEHEADER is coming to you thanks to the great Jan Hutter Sport Photography. 📸
Many thanks to Copenhagen Roller Derby B for the first game, which was pretty close🛼.
💯 We can already tell you that there will be more photos. Yay.

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Roller derby, bejby 😛🩵🩷.

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Woooow! Have a look at the article with amazing Mörkö 🤩.

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Nezapomeňte, že v sobotu 25.5. už máte program 🫠.
Don't forget that on Saturday 25.5. you already have the program 🫠.

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📷Další nálož fotek. Tentokrát z druhé hry Thunderdoms vs. PCRD Bad Wolves.
Bylo to úžasné, děkujeme Dom City.
📷Round two of photos. This time from the second game of Thunderdoms vs. PCRD Bad Wolves.
It was awesome, thank you Dom City.
#rollerderby #rollerderbygirls #skating #girlpower #loveskating #derby #pcrd #derbybout #havingfun #eatbroccoli #gosports

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📸foto 📸foto 📸foto 📸
Modřiny už vymizely a díky Dom City Vám můžeme ukázat něco málo z double header v Utrechtu.
Byl to náročný den plný zábavy, bruslení, potu, vyčerpání ale hlavně týmové práce.
Děkujeme Dom City a doufáme, že jsme se neviděli naposled.
📸photo 📸photo 📸photo 📸
The bruises have cleared up and thanks to Dom City we can show you a bit of the double header in Utrecht.
It was hard day full of fun, skating, sweat, exhaustion but most importantly teamwork.
Thank you Dom City and we hope we will se you again.